Today I went for the first time to school, yes indeed, on Sunday. Schools are open every day, in the weekend mainly for the clubs. My LP (AFS contact) was waiting, with her baby on her arm, for me and Okaa-san. We went inside school where we had to take off our shoes, that’s normal in Japan, and put on a pair of slippers that they gave us. The school companion for exchange students is Mrs. Honda sensei (sensei means teacher). She looked like a business woman and seems very strict. The conversation was in Japanese only , I only recognized some words. Honda sensei only talked to my LP and Okaa-san while its me that is going to school. Then Honda sensei spoke two perfect English sentences, she could speak English though. So Okaa-san had to translate everything back home for me. I hoped for a short guided tour in school, but unfortunately… not! I will have that on my first school day on april 9. This week I have to get a schoolbag, high school socks and a school sports outfit. Schools are very strict with uniforms. I have to prepare a ‘short speech’ that I have to give for all 900 school students. I am glad Okaa-san and Otou-san are helping me so that I think I will be able to do that. In my class there is another exchange student from the Rotary. As I understood she arrived last year July and will she leave in August. And there will be a student from Kenia, but he will not be in my class. My mentor is not Honda sensei but the English teacher. That will be easier to communicate with when I have problems! After the school visit Okaa-san, my LP and I went to Mister Donut and have talked for a while. We also got rid of some misunderstandings. AFS told me that I would start in a temporary family. When I explained that to my LP that I maybe had to change families Okaa-san asked very worried if I wanted to change to another family. (She only understood half the conversation with my LP :P) but she said she don’t want me to leave since they all like it so very much! Well that makes me very happy and releaved because I feel so well with them! Okaa-san checked for me which train and bus I have to take. At the station we saw two girl in Yamanote high school (my school) uniform. I asked myself where they bought their school bag and Okaa-san asked the girls. Nearby the station there is warehouse with an in store shop where you can buy school uniforms for nearby high schools. School socks are dark blue or black and are up to your knees. On the socks is often a little print of for example Hello Kitty, Super Mario hearts or even a PLAYBOY BUNNY! On your SOCKS! I thinks I go for something simple, not Super Mario nor a playboy bunny 😛 Next week I will make some pictures wearing my complete school uniform. At night I helped preparing the dessert, Dango. It is like lemon ice cream, but it is very sticky. You make small balls and put them in boiling water. When they are cooked they float and you take them out and put them in cold water. Dango is some kind of powder with rice porridge. I did not well understand what she meant 😛 Dango is served with fresh fruit. I thought Dango would be sweet but it is not. It’s some kind of dough, but then not completely cooked and very sticky. It tastes well though but I do not know a familiar taste that compares with it.
Over mij
Passie voor schrijven, Japan en vastleggen bijzondere momenten met mijn camera.
Ik ben Michelle en op deze site schrijf ik over mijn avonturen in Japan en alles gerelateerd aan Japan. In 2012-2013 heb ik via AFS Interculturele uitwisselingen een jaar in Sapporo gewoond. Vanaf februari 2018 ben ik geëmigreerd naar Japan, Tokio. Lees meer over mij-
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Was in japan…
Februari 2018 - Heden geëmigreerd naar Japan, Tokio voor de liefde en werk.
2017 september 3 weken vakantie
2016, 8 februari t/m 6 december , een totaal van 302 dagen als Meiji University uitwisselingsstudent en stagiaire op de Nederlandse ambassade in Tokio
2014 december Kerst/Oud&Nieuw bij Kanji
2013 augustus/september Vakantie met mijn ouders en broer naar Tokyo, Sapporo, Osaka, Kyoto en Nara
21 maart 2012 t/m 2 februari 2013, een totaal van 318 dagen als AFS uitwisselingsstudent
2010 juni eerste vakantie naar Japan met mijn tante van Fukuoka tot Tokyo met Shoestring