Today Okaa-san had a day off and invited us to go to the planetarium. A friend of Miyu, Azuki, stayed over and Okaa-san asked Tyler and Semuri, Tyler’s host sister, to come with us. Therefore we had a large group.
I had never been to a planetarium before and it was such a nice experience! There was a large area where you could do all kind of physics experiments. But since I don’t know physics to well I understood only half of it! Fortunately Okaa-san and Tyler knew more about it. It was quite difficult to make pictures, therefore I only have a few.
Everyone thinks Tyler and I are a couple, really funny, when a boy and girl talk together they think you are dating, and they all think we are university students.
We had lunch at the Mac Donalds. We went there for a hamburger. They have three kinds: Burger, Cheese Burger and McPork! Yes indeed, McPork. I had to have a picture of it.
After lunch we visited a huge 3D show in a large dome. It was about solar systems, unfortunately it was all in Japanese but it was so beautiful! Making pictures was not allowed.
Afterwards we went window shopping in the shopping center nearby. Okaa-san likes window shopping. I also found a shop with schoolbags and since I required one I bought a nice one. In Japan most female students have this one in black or navy blue, with or without a print. I was immediately in love with this Rilakkuma schoolbag! 😀 Rilakkuma is just like Hello Kitty or Nijntje, Perhaps it looks childish but that is allowed in Japan.
They also sell school socks with a mini print on the side with for example: Hello Kitty, Rilakkuma or even the Playboy logo. The Playboy logo is very popular. Okaa-san told me that they just think it’s funny thought I think different about it! 😛
At night we went back home and Sato-san invited us for dinner. I helped preparing Chinese snacks. I thought they were funny shaped lumpia’s but they were not. I forgot the name, but they were very nice. Sato-san’s family is very hospitable and their home is one big playground.
It is very nice and cozy that our families are going so close together. This time my family asked Tyler to come along and next time I go with them!