This weekend was a busy weekend! Saturday we had an AFS event in Sapporo. It was names Kodomo (Children) Wonderland. I expected an amusement park but it wasn’t. It was in a gym. First, everyone gathered in a room to attend a sort of short about what we expected to do. We were namely the key players but still knew nothing!
The Rotary exchange students where there too! I knew everyone already because Rachael is also in Rotary. It was nice to see everyone again! Unfortunately, they are leaving in a few weeks, that’s a pity! Also, two people AFS students will leave in a few weeks! Our AFS group is sometimes a little … quiet and shy, except Erika and me.
There were about 150 children and their parents (watching on the sidelines). First we had to introduce our selves, in Japanese. Then we were split into 4 groups, the children and exchange students.
We played Japanese games, such as rock, paper, scissors (in Japanese) and other games. At the end we, the exchange students, had an autograph session for the children. We got popcorn, cotton candy (ERIKA: SUGAR SPIDER!) And other snacks.|
About 4:30 it finished and we went to Tanaka-san (the LP where I stayed two weeks). Tanaka-san organized a pizza party. All AFS students were there and it was very cozy! There were also some Japanese boys and girls (soon to go on exchange or already had been). We went to play games and the atmosphere was cozy!
Next week we have another AFS event, this time a farewell party for the students who have been here since July! I do not have pictures (yet) of the AFS event!
The next day, Sunday, I went with my host parents to a strawberry farm. It took about 1.5 hours to drive to and then we had an ice cream. Japanese do that often, long drive and then quickly look around and continue to drive and quickly look around. I don’t mind, I think it’s fun!
Het ijsje was heel lekker en het was erg warm dus dat kwam goed uit. We zijn daarna naar een aardbeien boerderij gegaan. Je kan dan zelf aardbeien plukken en vervolgens eten of mee naar huis nemen. Het waren hele lekkere aardbeien!
The ice cream was delicious and it was very hot so that was good. We then went to a strawberry farm. You may pick the strawberries by yourself and then eat them or take them home. The strawberries were very tasty!
After strawberry picking we went to a supermarket and then went to Costco. Maybe some of you know it. It’s a HUGE wholesale, original from America. They sell EVERYTHING, even …. Yes even Lays CHIPS! I only noticed that when we already passing the checkout, pity. We bought meat and other delicious things for the barbecue that night.
The barbecue was very good and the atmosphere was nice and cozy! I really feel comfortable and nice with this family and I really regret that I have to change families on 14 July: (
This week it is test week and I will have my Japanese test on Thursday! I do have to study hard to get a good result!