In about three days I’ll go to Japan and I’m very busy this week! But it’s mainly filled with enjoying quality time with my family and friends.
Even though I have experienced living abroad in Japan for one year, this time it’s a bit different. I’ll live on my own and a lot of information is still not confirmed or unknown. But yesterday I received an e-mail with information about my dormitory I’ll stay during my study semester at Meiji University.
Meiji University offers five different dormitories and everyone was supposed let Meiji know their preferences from a scale from one (really want to go) to five (not really want to go). Two are very close to the campus, two are a bit further away and one is a girls-only dorm. When I received the e-mail I was a bit surprised that I was placed at the dormitory of my fourth preference. But after reading carefully I’m actually quite satisfied with the decision. I’ll stay at DK House Shinkoiwa (新小岩) and my room is about 7,6m2. My room is furnished with a bed, closet, desk, chair, fridge and air conditioner. The toilets, showers and kitchen are common areas. For me, currently living with my parents and having everything I want, this is going to be a new experience, but certainly a good one.
The dorm is owned by a private company. There are 163 rooms and 33 are reserved for exchange students from Meiji University. Amber, my classmate at Hogeschool Rotterdam, is also placed at DK House. It’s a mixed dorm which means there are as well as international as Japanese men and women. I’m looking forward to the diversity and I think I’ll learn a lot of new things and I’m hoping to make good friends.
Below, I uploaded some pictures from the website of DK House Shinkoiwa. On 22nd of March I’ll move in. The pictures look perfect so when I’ll move in I’ll show some actual pictures of the dorm. But people who stayed in DK House were very satisfied and positive so I think it will be fine!
The last two photos are the travel distances by Google Maps to the two different campuses. You can also see Mickey and Minnie Mouse below. Did you know my dorm is only 1 hour away from Disney Sea? hehe 😀
At this moment I’m busy with preparations, but mostly what kind of souvenir I should bring. Because I still have quite some time from the end of February to 22nd March, I decided to travel. I’m planning on meeting my host family and several friends I made during my exchange, at school in the Netherlands and during vacation. Later on I’ll tell more about this. However, I already received my only-for-tourist-train ticket. Because I’ll travel from Sapporo to Fukuoka by train!