Today I went with my parents to Leiden. A few days ago YFU send me an email about this event in Leiden to support Japan. It was held at the Siebold House (Japanese Museum). The goal was to make 1000 cranes with all visitors young and old.
1000 Cranes?
An ancient tradition in Japan is to make 1000 origami cranes. When you make 1000 cranes you can make a wish. In Hiroshima, there was a girl that had leukemia caused by the radiation of the atomic bomb. She wanted to be healthy so much that she started to make 1000 cranes. Unfortunately she died before reaching her goal. A monument was raised for her in Hiroshima as a symbol of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The monument shows lots of big glass cabinets with cranes and every day new cranes arrive at the memorial.
Of course we wanted to show our compassion too. There were many people and also the mayor of Leiden and the president of the Japanese Embassy (I’m not sure but he was very important I believe ..)where there and really, really lot of Japanese people, and people that are connected to Japan like exchange college students, students Japanese and many more.
It was, although very sad, a very nice day. I have spoken with a lot of people and also talked with YFU exchange student from last year. It was the first time this week that I felt a little cheered. It was just so nice that everyone did their best for the 1000 cranes. It was just completely fun.
Now the question, have we met our goal?!
That’s for sure! Haha. I think we managed to make far more than 1000 cranes. There was for instance a woman, she had made 2000 cranes, shown in the picture (the straightest trails on the left, click on photo for larger image) with the beautiful colors and accrued neatly folded.
The Red Cross was there to raise money for the Japanese Red Cross. Of course we donated too. It is obviously not enough for everyone but I just think, everything helps a little.
How about my exchange ..
It is still further postponed, and I know very little. I have heard from others (abroad) that they have the choice between half year or any other country but we haven’t hearth something yet. I do not know what’s coming and how long it takes. Perhaps it’s possible to postpone it until next year, because 10 month is just still my goal. But who knows, a miracle happens and we can travel soon. However I think that this is unlikely.
I am going to school right now and I have to do my best as I have already missed a lot. So for the coming period my life looks like this: wake up – school – homework – sleep and in between something to eat. Thanks in advance for your compassion. : D
Now I am going to sleep and see what tomorrow brings us.